Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG): a cooperative body that is made up of representatives from faith-based, non-profit, government, business and other organizations working within a community to assist individuals and
Long term recovery is the period following a disaster when the effected community and its residents return to a new normal state of living. A long term recovery program is
Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG): a cooperative body that is made up of representatives from faith-based, non-profit, government, business and other organizations working within a community to assist individuals and
VOAD Boards/Executive Committees play a critical role in ensuring that the VOAD has what it needs to carry out its mission, and that it does so legally, ethically, and effectively.
Many VOADs start out informally – with groups of people who come together to coordinate activities across the disaster cycle. For VOADs to grow and develop, it’s important to clarify
The National VOAD LEAD program will serve as a resource for State/Territory VOAD leadership to strengthen existing processes and support development of new strategies that support cooperation, communication, coordination, and
Disaster Case Management (DCM): a time-limited process by which a skilled helper (disaster case manager) partners with a disaster affected individual or family (client) in order to achieve realistic goals
This manual is intended to educate Ad Hoc Committee Leaders about National VOAD, committee leadership and membership, the processes and procedures of National VOAD Ad Hoc Committees, and the tools
Here you will find operational documents Quarterly Meetings Reports
These guidelines for operating shelters in a COVID-19 environment are provided as a public service and are still under development, review and subject to change based on changing CDC and
Resources for State VOADs to prepare to manage their own DCM programs. Intended for internal use only. This document does not try to give guidance for state or federal agencies